16 Reasons to Explain Your Jigsaw Puzzle Addiction
Do you love jigsaw puzzles as much as we do? Jigsaw puzzles' popularity isn’t a new phenomenon. The joy of putting puzzles together has existed for a few centuries - since their creation in the 1760’s to be precise.
But why do people like puzzles so much?
Doing a jigsaw puzzle has some pretty incredible health benefits, including easing anxiety and sharpening the mind. Let’s take a look at a few reasons why some people are addicted to puzzles.

1. They can provide an element of control.
Let’s face it—there are many aspects of life we can’t control. People who do puzzles, however, have all the control when it comes to completing a puzzle. Whether with a group or a solo activity, the elements that can be controlled include when you work on it, how you put it together, and where you tackle the task.
2. Jigsaws foster creativity.
When you do puzzles, it activates both brain hemispheres, including the creative function. Not only is it a mental workout, but jigsaw puzzles also trigger imagination and inspiration. This helps strategize and problem-solve in day-to-day life.

3. They boost your mood.
People who like puzzles do them because they're fun! They increase dopamine production, the chemical that brings the brain pleasure, satisfaction, and motivation. Your brain enjoys the mental workout, which helps boost and stabilize your mood.
4. Puzzles help practice mindfulness.
Working on a jigsaw puzzle requires focus and concentration. You must be present and aware of the task at hand, which in turn, takes your attention away from things that may be stressing or worrying you. Putting together a puzzle for even a few minutes a day allows you to create a moment of mindfulness.
5. There is constant progress.
Regardless of how long it takes to finish the puzzle, or how difficult it is, you will see consistent progress while working to complete the task. The same can’t be said for other tasks in our day-to-day. As long as you persevere, you will continue to see development, no matter how small.

6. Jigsaws can help switch up your routine.
Daily routines can become a bit stagnant, but a jigsaw puzzle can help break up that monotony. While the concept of working on a jigsaw is pretty straightforward, your task is different every single time. Puzzles are a way to stave off boredom and simultaneously try something new.
7. They provide a sense of accomplishment.
Few things feel better than sliding the last piece of the puzzle into place. That sense of accomplishment can have you craving for more. Whether it’s a higher piece count or a more difficult puzzle, moving on to another jigsaw puzzle after completing one will further instill the sense of achievement you feel.
8. They can help create order.
Life can be a bit chaotic. So too, are puzzle pieces when you dump them out of the box. Sifting and sorting through the puzzle pieces and getting them organized creates order amidst the mess, and can help calm your brain in the process.
9. Jigsaws can be thrilling.
You know that feeling when you discover the piece you’ve been trying to find for what feels like forever? That exciting moment of finding the puzzle piece is what many puzzlers live for. It can be quite a rush.

10. They inspire motivation.
Every piece of the puzzle makes up the bigger picture. As you work through solving the puzzle, each section you put together is like a reward that motivates you to keep working towards your goal of completing it.
11. Puzzles encourage strategizing.
Putting together a puzzle requires analyzing and problem-solving. While you are relaxing, you are simultaneously giving your brain a workout, fostering your creative side and ability to think critically.
12. They can enhance collaboration.
A great activity to do without others, puzzles are also fun to work on as a group. Jigsaw puzzles are often used as a team-building activity to enhance collaboration and communication skills. But they’re also enjoyable with friends. Whether it’s a low-key hangout session or an all-out puzzle party, working together on a jigsaw can establish a sense of community and oneness.

13. Jigsaws encourage you to work towards a goal.
A jigsaw puzzle's objective is to combine the pieces to form the final image. There is a clear goal with a straightforward solution. Having a goal can provide meaning to your day and makes your brain feel productive. Even though it’s just a game, a puzzle can make you feel motivated and provide a sense of purpose.
14. Puzzles are artwork.
A jigsaw puzzle forms a completed image once it’s fully put together. While you are piecing the puzzle together, you can appreciate the beauty and intricate details of the artwork rendered. You can also turn it into your own art by gluing your puzzle together and framing it once it’s finished.

15. They sharpen the mind.
As we mentioned before, working on a jigsaw puzzle activates both hemispheres of the brain. Not only does it inspire creativity, but it also hones in on logical and linear thinking. Jigsaw puzzles aid in memory retention and enhance problem-solving skills. Puzzles also increase your visual and spatial awareness, and can even boost your IQ by a few points.
16. They’re a fun solo activity.
Jigsaw puzzles are a great way to have some quality time with yourself. They provide you with an activity that doesn’t require screen time and can simultaneously give you some peace and quiet. Plus, you can work at your own pace and tackle it however you want without input from anyone else.

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