Are Jigsaw Puzzles Sustainable?
Jigsaw puzzles have been a source of screen-free entertainment long before televisions and cell phones were invented.
While jigsaws don’t require the use of technology or the need to spend a ton of money to have some fun, they can have an impact on our environment.
The Environmental Impact of Jigsaw Puzzles
Jigsaws used to be made entirely from pieces of wood, but as the puzzles evolved and the manufacturing process improved, they transitioned to a paperboard backing.
While this was a more cost-effective way to mass-produce puzzles, it inevitably contributed to the environmental effects of paper production. These effects include deforestation, air pollution, waste pollution, and the exorbitant amount of energy and water it takes to produce paper.

Where Does Paper Come From?
While many may believe that paper comes from the trees in the neighborhood, parks, and even the forest, that is not usually the case. Most often, paper comes from tree crops grown specifically with the intent to be turned into a paper product. Not every paper product sources its trees the same, though.
How Blue Kazoo Contributes to a Green Economy
In 2023, we completely upgraded our jigsaws to make more eco-friendly and 100% plastic-free sustainable puzzles. Here are some ways we did that:
1. Premium FSC-Certified Blackboard
Utilizing sustainability-sourced paper, like our recycled FSC-Certified blackboard, was one of the upgrades we made to our jigsaw puzzles. We also completely removed the plastic from our manufacturing process.

2. Compostable Inner Bag
Instead of the inner plastic bag that jigsaw puzzle pieces normally come in, we swapped the bag with a compostable bag that is also reusable. No more pieces spilling from the box when you go to open it.

3. Plant-Based Ink
Jigsaw puzzles are often made with an oil-based ink that contains petroleum. Not only are Blue Kazoo puzzles printed using plant-based inks, but so are our boxes and reference posters.

4. Biodegradable Stickers
Instead of cellophane shrink-wrapping the boxes for transport, they are now sealed with biodegradable stickers to keep them closed until they get home.

How to Recycle Old Puzzles
Paper products contribute to 25% of the waste that ends up in landfills. Puzzles are paper products and can be recycled. While separating the pieces can be tedious, it is a beneficial endeavor in the long run.
Various websites, like Craigslist and FreeCycle, are always looking to reuse old puzzle pieces. If you’re up for some crafting, you can repurpose your jigsaw puzzles in many unique ways.
In Summary
Recognizing the environmental impact of jigsaw puzzles, Blue Kazoo has made innovative strides in 2023 toward crafting 100% plastic-free and eco-friendly puzzles. This commitment to sustainability extends throughout our entire production process.
Our puzzles are made from premium FSC-Certified blackboard, a sustainably sourced paper, completely eradicating plastic from our manufacturing line. We've also replaced the conventional inner plastic bag with a compostable, reusable one, ensuring a zero-waste unboxing experience. We transitioned away from petroleum-based inks, choosing to utilize plant-based inks for our puzzles, boxes, and reference posters. Lastly, we've switched from cellophane shrink-wrapping to biodegradable stickers to seal our puzzle boxes, reinforcing our sustainable ethos.
At Blue Kazoo, we encourage recycling old puzzles to minimize waste in landfills, promoting online platforms for reuse, and unique crafting ideas for repurposing your jigsaw puzzles. As a result, our efforts contribute to a greener economy while still providing a screen-free entertainment option.