The Puzzles to Bring to Every Kind of Holiday Gathering

When you're schedule's jam-packed with end-of-the-year events and you're tired of all the schmoozing, why not be a rebel and embrace the slowness? Sure, maybe you can't get out of every social hour, but you can make it tolerable—even, dare we say, pleasurable?! Instead of bringing the host a bottle of pinot, bring a puzzle that suits the mood. That way you won't have to stand around, listening to your friend's friend Susie talk at you about her dysfunctional family for two hours. Just break out the box and see who joins you at the table. Pro tip: If you're tired of coming up with things to say, check the box for fun facts, zingers, and a conversation starter.
For a cozy night in with the fam (or in-laws)...

Dive into Henri Rousseau III and get lost in the greenery. Once you complete the border, you can designate different sections to different people: the basketball-sized oranges, tall purple flowers, and Mrs. Dalloway-type character in pink. Pairs well with a bottle of wine or some piping hot chocolate.
For spicing up your best friend's dinner party...

Crack open Keep It Clean and watch everyone beeline for the puzzle table. One, because 🍑, and two, because who brings a puzzle to a dinner party? You're a gd genius.
For staying calm (ish) at a big family get-together...

Immerse yourself in Microlife III. Bring people together or distance yourself from the drama by honing in on the more important details (just look at that moody rainbow color palette). And if you really want to escape, add our flow-state playlist to the mix.
For avoiding awkward small talk at your office holiday party...

Turn your focus to Nebula. Ok, so maybe a puzzle isn't the vibe for EVERY office party, but you never know what will be a hit... and maybe even become a holiday tradition!
Want more? Check out our other party-worthy puzzles.